Yulia I. Petrova

Specialist in Arabic Philology with the “A. Krymsky” Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine in Kyiv. She completed her PhD in 2007 at the same Institute, with a dissertation on the phonological and morphological system of Egyptian Arabic. Her book Egyptian Arabic: Structure and Functioning (2011, Kyiv, in Ukrainian) presents the results of this research. Her current research interests focus on textual criticism and the edition and translation of Christian Arabic manuscripts. She has edited and translated into Russian the abridged Arabic manuscript of The Travels of Macarius, Patriarch of Antioch preserved in Kyiv (2015). Among the Arabic Christian texts that she has researched are the Arabic version of Demetrius Cantemir’s Divan (published with Brill in 2016, together with Ioana Feodorov), the anonymous 17th century Pilgrimage to Sinai (Moscow, 2018), and the Kyiv manuscript of the Beirut Church Chronicle (Moscow, 2019).