Team Activities

Four of the TYPARABIC team members have contributed to the ARAM Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies 54th International Conference on Melkite Christianity in Oxford on July 13-14. They discussed the new research on 18th-century books printed for Arabic-speaking Christians (Ioana Feodorov), the commentary in the Arabic liturgical Gospel (Fr Rami Wakim), confessionalization and patristic resourcement in the Homilies of Mas’ad Nashu (Samuel Noble), and the works of Ibn al-Sirri (Habib Ibrahim). All topics were appreciated by the scholarly audience, with lively discussions following their presentations. The reunion with dear colleagues from the UK and abroad was one of the highlights of this ARAM conference. More on the research achieved by the team members during this trip in the next posting.

On 12 July, the TYPARABIC Project was represented at the Early Modern Ottoman Studies (EMOS) conference, held at the Middle East Technical University and Hacettepe University in Ankara, by three of its core team members. Together with Evgenia Kermeli, they held a panel on Transcultura Networks of Power and Knowledge: The Context for the Ottoman World of Printing.

On 28-30 , a part of our team attended the Second International Scientific Conference “Georgian Manuscript Heritage”, organized by the Korneli Kekelidze National Center of Manuscripts in Tbilisi, Georgia. The Typarabic project had its own panel, where Ioana Feodorov, Fr Policarp Chițulescu, Vera Tchentsova and Orlin Sabev delivered their presentations. They were accompanied to Tbilisi by our colleagues Oana Iacubovschi and David Neagu, together with whom they conducted research at the National Library of Georgia and the Kutaisi Museum.
⸭ On 26-27 April 2023, the TYPARABIC team will meet in Bucharest to discuss the progress of the research carried out within the project. The programme of the meeting is available here.
Program_26-27 April
⸭ On 21 April 2023, our colleague Oana Iacubovschi presented a paper entitled “Between East and West. The Engravings of Athanasios Dabbās’s Aleppo Editions of the Gospel Book (1706), the Sermons of Athanasius (1711) and the Octoechos (1711)” at the international conference “Metamorphoses”/Old Art Module, hosted by the Institute of Art Studies in Sofia.
⸭ On 20 December 2022 Ioana Feodorov and Nicholas Bishara gave a talk entitled “Romanian testimonies abroad. New data and an applied study: the the circulation of Anthim’s books in the world”. The talk will be given at the Institute for South-East European History.
⸭ Charbel Nassif presented on December 7, 2022, a conference addressing the Influences des gravures européennes sur l’imprimerie d’Alep et de Khenchara au XVIIIe siècle for the seminar directed by Prof. Ioanna Rapti at École pratiques de hautes études (EPHE) in Paris.
⸭ On 5 November 2022, Orlin Sabev presented a paper entitled “The Ottoman Transition from Scribal to Print Culture: The Layout of the 18th Century Müteferrika Prints” at the international conference IS Type 2022 – Mukaddeme Arabic Script Typographies held by the Sabanci Museum in Istanbul.
⸭Hasan Çolak presented on October 13, 2022, a paper on “Forms of Jurisprudence in Harmony, Conflict, and Coexistence: Seeking and Implementing Justice in the Interaction between Silvestros of Antioch and the Ottoman Imperial Chancery” at the conference The Balance of Justice in the Ottoman Empire: Non-Muslims as Agents in an Islamic Imperial Legal Context convened by the Sabancı University (13-15 October 2022).
⸭Four of the Typarabic team-members presented papers related to their work in the ERC Typarabic project or on other related topics at the workshop ‘The Akathistos Hymn in Byzantine and Post-Byzantine Tradition. The History of a Liturgical Masterpiece between Text and Image’. The workshop was hosted by New Europe College, an Institute for Advanced Study in Bucharest, on 13-14 October. The workshop is one of the results of the AKATHYMN project funded by UEFISCDI, hosted by NEC and coordinated by Dr Emanuela Timotin. The Typarabic team members who presented papers are Arhim. Policarp Chițulescu, Oana Iacubovschi, Charbel Nassif and Samuel Noble.
The TYPARABIC project was represented at the National Congress of the Romanian Historians (CNIR) which took place at the “1 Decembrie 1918” University of Alba-Iulia on September 8-10, 2022, by two members of the Core Team.
- Ioana Feodorov, Institute of South-East European Studies, Un proiect european dedicat legăturilor dintre români și arabi prin tipar – TYPARABIC, Friday September 9, 09:15.
- Archim. Polycarp Chițulescu, Library of the Holy Synod, Completări și îndreptări la Bibliografia Românească Veche, Friday September 9, 09:00.
⸭ Orlin Sabev contributed the paper Contemporary German Visual Sources about 18th-Century Ottoman-Turkish Printing: the Müteferrika Press at the 28th Congress of DAVO, Freie Universität Berlin, 12-17 September 2022.
⸭ The TYPARABIC project was represented at the XIIIe Symposium Syriacum/XIe Congrès d’Études Arabes Chrétiennes held at INALCO Paris on July 4-9, 2022, by three members of the Core Team:
- Ioana Feodorov, Institute of South-East European Studies, Influence du programme typographique d’Anthime l’Ibère sur la première imprimerie arabe du Levant – Alep, 1706-1711, on Thursday 7 July, at 12:05-12:25.
- Charbel Nassif, Université Saint-Joseph – CEDRAC, Institut d’études sud-est européennes, Autour des gravures de l’imprimerie Saint-Jean-Baptiste à Khenchara, on Friday 8 July, at 15:20-15:40 (via Zoom).
- Simon Najm, University of Balamand, The Rum Orthodox Community of Syria and Lebanon in the Light of Tanzimat: The Reorganization of the Millet System, the Bulgarian Question and their Impact on Arab Orthodox Nationalism (1859-1885), on Friday 8 July, at 16:30-16:50.
⸭ Ioana Feodorov has contributet via Zoom Saturday, May 14, 2022, at 18:00 (EET), the paper Manuscripts made available through the HMML database as essential sources for the European Research Project TYPARABIC developed in Bucharest, Romania, in Session 389 at the 57th International Congress on Medieval Studies (ICMS) organized by The Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo, USA.
⸭ Archim. Policarp Chiţulescu gave the Conference Patriarhul Silvestru al Antiohiei şi dania sa de carte către Mănăstirea Sfântul Sava din Iaşi. O reevaluare necesară at the National History Colloquium organized by the Cotroceni National Museum on May 18-19, 2022.
⸭Tuesday, October 19, 2021, at 11 am EEST, dr. Ioana Feodorov presented the ERC-AdG-2019-883219 TYPARABIC project online, as the first autumn lecture of the Institute for South-East European Studies of the Romanian Academy.
Title: • ERC Advanced Grant la ISSEE: Early Arabic Printing for the Arab Christians. TYPARABIC
The lecture language will be Romanian.
⸭ Ioana Feodorov gave on October 28, 2021, at 14:00 EEST, in Romanian, the paper “An unknown Arabic Akathistos with possible Romanian sources: obscurities and clues” (“Un Acatist arab necunoscut cu posibilă origine românească: mistere și indicii”), at the Conference Cuvânt şi imagine în producţia de carte din spaţiul european (secolele XV-XX) convened by Anca Elisabeta Tatay and Alexandru Daniel Piticari and hosted by the Romanian Academy, Cluj Branch – Library of the Romanian Academy. The conference will take place online.
⸭ Dr. Ioana Feodorov gave a speech at 12:25 (EEST) on Thursday, November 11, 2021, on the occasion of the presentation, at the American University of Beirut (AUB), of a facsimile version of the Gospel reprinted in Aleppo in 1708 with financial support from the Ukrainian hetman Ivan Mazepa. More information is available on the website of the AUB.
⸭ Thursday, November 25, 2021, Archim. Policarp Chițulescu presented the paper Two Levantines travelling across the Romanian Principalities and their icons: Patriarch Sylvester of Antioch and Chesarie Daponte at the scientific session „Unitate, continuitate și independență în istoria poporului român. 103 ani de la Marea Unire (1918–2021)”, MUSEIKON – National Museum of the Unification in Alba Iulia.
⸭ Friday, December 10, 2021, Fr Charbel NASSIF gave the conference: Transfers of Iconographic Themes between the West and Melkite Icons / Transferts des thèmes iconographiques entre l’Occident et les icônes melkites, convened at the Petit Palais Museum of Fine Arts and the National Institute for the History of Art in Paris. The event program is accessible here: Agenda de l’INHA – Icônes : la fabrique matérielle du visuel.