The Team

Ioana Feodorov
Principal Investigator
Ioana Feodorov is a Senior Researcher with the Institute for South-East European Studies of the Romanian Academy in Bucharest. She was granted a Ph.D. in Philology title from the University of Bucharest in 1999 for a thesis concerning The Expression of Grading in Romanian and Arabic, and a Dr. Habil. title in 2018. read more...

Archim. Policarp Chițulescu
Senior Researcher
Archimandrite at Radu Vodă Monastery, patriarchal counselor and director of the Holy Synod Library in Bucharest. PhD in Theology-Christian literature; specialist in bibliophilia and rare books. The main research fields: the history of printing, of books (manuscripts or printed) and of libraries, the history of the usages and practices of writing, the history and circulation of ideas, the cultural relations between the Romanian Countries and Europe.. read more...

Mihai Țipău
Senior Researcher
Ph. D. in History (2006, University of Bucharest), Ph. D. in Political Science (2005, National and Capodistrian University of Athens), is a Senior Researcher at the Institute for South-East European Studies of the Romanian Academy. His main fields of research are Byzantine and Post-Byzantine history and Medieval and early Modern Greek historical writing. read more...

Yulia Petrova
Senior Researcher
Specialist in Arabic Philology with the “A. Krymsky” Institute of Oriental Studies of the National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine in Kyiv. She completed her Ph.D. in 2007 at the same Institute, with a dissertation on the phonological and morphological system of Egyptian Arabic. read more...

Aurélien Girard
Senior Researcher
Aurélien Girard is Senior Lecturer at Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, a member of CERHIC, specializing in the multifaceted history of Eastern Christians (16th–19th c.) and the history of European orientalism. read more...

Father Rami Wakim
Senior Researcher
Father Rami Wakim is a priest of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church and the Head of the Patriarchal Chancellery. He holds a Ph.D. in Patristic Theology from Centre Sèvres (Jesuit Faculties of Paris) for a thesis on Saint Maximus the Confessor’s logocentric anthropology in Ambiguum 41. read more...

Charbel Nassif
Senior Researcher
Ph.D. in the History of the Art (2017, Sorbonne University), Ph.D. in Theology (2017, Catholic Institute of Paris). He is an archivist and chief librarian of the Greek Melkite Catholic Patriarchate in Raboueh (Lebanon) and a researcher at CEDRAC – Saint-Joseph University of more...

Oana Iacubovschi
Junior Researcher
Oana Iacubovschi is an art historian with the Institute for South-East European Studies of the Romanian Academy. She received her Ph.D. from the National University of Arts in Bucharest with a thesis on the Iconography of the Moldavian churches between the 15th and the 16th centuries. The program of the naos. read more...

Vera Tchentsova
Senior Researcher
Vera Tchentsova received her PhD from the Institute of General History of the Academy of Sciences of Russia in Moscow (1995), where she started to conduct research specializing in Byzantine history. She is an associated member of the UMR 8167 “Orient et Méditerranée / Monde byzantin” in Paris and of the Maison française d’Oxford. read more...

Orlin Sabev
Senior Researcher
Orlin Sabev is a Professor of History at the Institute for Balkan Studies and Centre of Thracian Studies of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. In 2000 he obtained his Ph.D. degree with a doctoral thesis on the Ottoman education institutions of Bulgaria in the 15th-18th centuries. read more...

Alina Kondratiuk
Junior Researcher
Alina Kondratiuk has a PhD title in Art History from the National Academy of Visual Art and Architecture in Kyiv (2003), where she conducted research on the early modern Ukrainian art. She is a Senior Researcher with the National Preserve Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra. read more...

Radu Dipratu
Junior Researcher
Radu Dipratu is a historian with the Institute for South-East European Studies of the Romanian Academy in Bucharest. He completed his Ph.D. in 2017 at the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest, with a dissertation on the religious articles of Ottoman capitulations in the 17th century. read more...

Octavian-Adrian Negoiţă
Junior Researcher
Octavian-Adrian Negoiță is a Junior Researcher in the TYPARABIC project team hosted by the Institute for South-East European Studies and a Junior Fellow of the Institute for the History of Religions of the Romanian Academy. He received his PhD in 2018 from the Faculty of Orthodox Theology, University of Bucharest, and since then he has been a member of several European-funded projects. read more...

Samuel Noble
Senior Researcher
Samuel Noble, MPhil (2009, Yale University), obtained a PhD in 2022 from KU Leuven. His research focuses on the social and intellectual history of Arab Christians, particularly in the Patriarchate of Antioch. read more...

David Neagu
Junior Researche
David Neagu holds a Bachelor’s Degree, and a Master’s Degree from the Faculty of History, University of Bucharest. His Ph.D. thesis is entitled „The Armenian Kingdom of Cilicia and the Papacy: Diplomatic and Political Relations in the 13th-14th Centuries”.. read more...

Habib Ibrahim
Junior Researche
Habib Ibrahim is a research associate at the University Saint-Joseph, Beirut, and Assistant Professor at the Lebanese University. He wrote his thesis on John of Damascus’s two treatises against the Nestorians. read more...

Nicholas Bishara
Nicholas holds a Bachelor Degree and a Master Degree at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology „Justinian Patriarhul” of the University of Bucharest, with a specialization in Christian History and Heritage. read more...

Adela Ristea
IT Support
Graduate of the Faculty of Automatics and Computers of the Polytechnic University in Bucharest. She worked on the editing of many works published by well-known Romanian editing houses. She has over 25 years of professional experience in this domain. Edited books (selection): Mihai Dimitrie Sturdza, Familiile boiereşti din Ţara Românească şi Moldova ‒ Enciclopedie istorică, genealogică şi biografică (The Boyar Families of Wallachia and Moldavia – Historical, Genealogical, and Biographical History), Bucharest, Editura Simetria, 2014; read more...