
⸭ Arhim. Policarp Chițulescu has published the article Le patriarche Sylvestre d’Antioche, son disciple spirituel Constantin César Dapóntes et l’histoire de leurs icônes in Museikon, Alba Iulia, 6, 2022, pp. 157-168.

⸭ Arhim. Policarp Chițulescu has published the article Patriarhul Silvestru al Antiohiei și dania sa de carte către Mănăstirea Sf. Sava din Iași. O reevaluare necesară, in vol. Mariana Lazăr (ed.), Mărturii de istorie și cultură românească, I, 2022, pp. 53-64.

⸭ Ioana Feodorov has published the article Conexiunile românești ale primului Acatist arab tipărit în „Philologica Jassyensia”, XVIII, 1 (35), 2022, pp. 13-26.

⸭ Ioana Feodorov has published a review of Joseph NASRALLAH, Rachid HADDAD, Histoire du mouvement littéraire dans l’Église melchite du Ve au XIXe siècle. Contribution à l’étude de la littérature arabe chrétienne, t. VI, in RESEE LX, 2022, 1-4, pp. 357-360.

⸭ Ioana Feodorov has published a review of Orlin Sabev Waiting for Müteferrika. Glimpses of Ottoman Print Culture in RESEE LX, 2022, 1-4, pp. 371-372.

⸭ Nicholas Bishara has published a review of Constantin A. Panchenko Orthodoxy and Islam in the Middle East. The Seventh to the Sixteenth Century in RESEE LX, 2022, 1-4, pp. 361-362.

⸭ Ioana Feodorov published in the academic review Philologica Jassyensia, indexed by Clarivate Analytics (the former Thomson Reuters) – Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), the article Conexiunile românești ale primului Acatist arab tipărit (The Romanian Connections of the First Arabic Printed Akathist), which appeared in issue no. 1/2022, pp. 13-26, accessible online at the address

⸭ Ioana Feodorov, New Research Projects in the Institute for South-East European Studies, Revue des Études Sud-Est Européennes, LIX, 2021, pp. 277–284

⸭ Ioana Feodorov has published the article Arabic Printed Books in the Library of the Romanian Academy of Bucharest in MELA NOTES, the review of the Middle East Librarians Association (USA), No. 94 (2021), pp.  69-99, available for download at


⸭ Hasan Çolak has submitted the study Conflict over Space, Conflict over Flock: The Great Church and the Eastern Patriarchates vis-à-vis the Ottoman Administration for publication in the volume Dan Ioan Mureşan and Dominic Moreau (eds.), An Ecumene of Changes. Jurisdictional Spaces and Frontiers of the Patriarchate of Constantinople (4th-20th C.), Basingstoke: Palgrave-Macmillan (forthcoming).

⸭ Hasan Çolak has submitted the study Ottoman central administration and the Orthodox Church for publication in Edward G. Farrugia and Željko Paša (eds.), Autocephaly: In Search of Unity in Diversity, Rome: Pontificio Istituto Orientale (forthcoming).