Adela Ristea

Graduate of the Faculty of Automatics and Computers of the Polytechnic University in Bucharest. She worked on the editing of many works published by well-known Romanian editing houses. She has over 25 years of professional experience in this domain. Edited books (selection): Mihai Dimitrie Sturdza, Familiile boiereşti din Ţara Românească şi Moldova ‒ Enciclopedie istorică, genealogică şi biografică (The Boyar Families of Wallachia and Moldavia – Historical, Genealogical, and Biographical History), Bucharest, Editura Simetria, 2014; Mărturii ‒ Frescele Mănăstirii Argeşului ‒ Catalog de expoziţie (Testimonies – Frescoes of the Monastery of Argeș – Exhibition Catalogue), Bucharest, 2012; Epoca Biedermeier în Ţările Române (1815‒1859) ‒ Catalog de expoziţie (The Biedermeier Epoch in the Romanian Principalities (1815-1859) – Exhibition Catalogue), Bucharest, 2013; Repertoriul graficii româneşti din secolul al XX-lea (Repertory of the Romanian Graphic Works of the 20th Century), Bucharest, 2013.